Mertus Expert Panel: Successfully Handling Risk as a Freelancer!

With our guest expert Sandra Löhning, Account Manager & Partner Manager Europe at exali AG, we discuss about different risks related to working as a Freelancer with a focus on the IT sector: Which areas of risk should I be aware of as a freelancer❓ What are some real life damage cases❓ What can I […]

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Invitation to the next Mertus expert round: “Freelancing” – What you should know about the law & the risks!

The event: The company “Freelancing” – What you should know about the law and the risks! – This is the topic of our digital and interactive live Mertus Expertenrunde on 26/04/2023 at 13:00 (CET). Among other things, we will exchange ideas on: ✔️ The choice of the right legal form ✔️ The differences between types […]

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Mertus Expert Panel: Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Robotic Process Automation One of the currently predominant buzzwords in the context of digitization is “Robotic Process Automation” or “RPA” for short. The automation of repetitive activities is intended to increase the productivity of an organization and save costs in the process. But what exactly does RPA mean, which approaches can be pursued and what […]

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Mertus Expert Panel: Low-Code Solutions in the SAP Project Environment

Business processes are to be optimized ever faster. Low-code and no-code development are becoming a very popular and promising alternative for companies that want to develop their own customized apps quickly and cost-effectively. The larger and more complex the projects, the more interesting the potential of the new technologies. This is precisely why there are […]

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