Mertusexpands its network of strategic partnerships and wins Kontist as a new Cooperation partner. Kontist and Mertus share the common conviction that freelancers will shape the working world of tomorrow. Self-determination and flexibility in freelancing will be success factors that put conventional corporate structures under pressure.
Kontist offers a mobile solution designed to make freelancers’ professional lives easier. Freelancers can manage their banking, accounting and tax affairs in one application. Kontist is available exclusively as a business account and is specifically tailored to the needs of freelancers.
What we find particularly handy about Kontist is that it also offers an easy way to keep track of your liquidity as a freelancer. Kontist calculates for you how much money you have to set aside for income tax and VAT and displays it in your app. Nasty surprises in the tax assessment at the end of the year are thus easily avoided.
Through Mertus, freelancers receive exclusive special discounts on Kontist services.
On the Kontist Premium business account you get a 50% discountfor the first year. To redeem this discount you can use the discount code “mertus50“.
At Mertus, we are committed to making it as easy as possible for freelancers to work on projects and manage their day-to-day work. To this end, we work with selected Partners for Insurance,Office organization and with Kontist now also for banking.
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