
Freelancer anfragen

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    Erfahrener (technischer) Projektmanager, Product Owner und IT-Auditor mit über 15 Jahren internationaler Erfahrung in IT. Verantwortungsbewusst, praxisorientiert und ergebnisorientiert. Erfahrung in IT-Audits, Full Stack, Mobile App-Entwicklung, DevOps und Cloud & Infrastrukturprojekten.

    Master of Business Administration (Accounting & Financial Management), MSc. 2014-2018
    Business Administration and IT, BSa. 2004-2008
    Computer Science, BSc. 2000-2004
    IT-Auditor 2015-aktuell
    Head of Mobile Development 2017-2019
    Product Owner / Project Manager 2019-2021
    Chief Technology Officer (CTO) / (co)-Founder 2013-2015
    Head of Software Development 2011-2013
    Head of Mobile Banking / Product Owner 2016-2017
    Senior Project Manager 2015-2016
    Manager Cloud Infrastructures 2010-2011
    Infrastructure Architect 2009-2010
    Infrastructure Architect 2007-2008
    Infrastructure Specialist 2004-2006
    System Engineer 1999-2004
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